2017年8月22日 星期二

5th Grade Chinese Learning Targets

Interpersonal Communication

Student can communicate and exchange information about familiar topics using phrases and simple sentences, sometimes supported by memorized language. Student can usually handle short social interactions in everyday situations by asking and answering simple questions.
Some examples:
Student can exchange some personal information, exchange information using texts, graphs, or pictures, ask for and give simple directions, make plans with others, and interact with others in everyday situations.

Presentational Speaking

Student can present basic information on familiar topics using language student has practiced using phrases and simple sentences.
Some examples:
Student can present information about student’s life, tell about a familiar experience or event, present basic information about a familiar person, place or thing, present information about others, give basic instructions on how to make or do something, and present basic information about things I have learned.

Interpretive Reading

Student can understand familiar words, phrases, and sentences within short and simple texts related to everyday life. Student can sometimes understand the main idea of what they have read.
Some examples:
Student can usually understand short simple messages on familiar topics, sometimes understand short, simple descriptions with the help of pictures or graphs, sometimes understand the main idea of published materials, and understand simple everyday notices in public places on topics that are familiar to student.

Presentational Writing

Student can write short messages and notes on familiar topics related to everyday life.
Some examples:
Student can write information about their daily life in a letter, blog, discussion board, or email message, write short notes using phrases and simple sentences, write about a familiar experience or event using practiced material, write basic information about things student have learned, and ask for information in writing. 

Welcome Letter

Welcome to Mrs. Chang's classroom!  I am excited to be your child’s fifth grade teacher. I am looking forward to working with you and your child in Chinese Immersion program, which would require your child to speak only Chinese in class, working with other kids in small groups, completing homework and participating in class assignment and activities. I expect them to show their respect, responsibility, and cooperation at school.
Mr. Horan will be teaching your child English reading, writing, mathematics and reinforcing science concepts which learned in Chinese. I will be teaching your child Chinese reading, writing, and teaching science and reinforcing mathematics in Chinese. We will be working very closely together, but your support at home is also very important in your child's success in this program. Some important information to start off the year:

A homework packet will be given at the start of each week. It will be due every Friday. The homework could be writing, practicing Chinese words, reading Chinese/Science articles under my class website. 
I will grade their homework every week. Since homework is a very big percentage of their grades, I encourage parents to encourage and assist their children in completing their weekly homework and not forget to turn it in. If they do so, they will be qualified to attend the 5th grade “Activity of The Month.”
 Most of the homework will be online, please let me know if it is a problem to access the school website. Parental supervision is strongly encouraged. 

Classroom Rules:
In the beginning of the year, your child will be given a number. This number will associate with his/her backpack rack and other activities. Students who behave well can get chances to earn rewards such as: treats, more time for recess, and sit with their buddies, etc. Those who don't behavior well will have less time for recess, emails will be sent to parents, or go to the office.

Our class rules are:
  1. Speak Chinese all the time!
  2. Pay attention and listen to Mrs. Chang in class.
  3. Complete the assignment and homework.
  4. Raise a hand when talk or leave the desk.
  5. Be kind and be respectful to others.
  6. Be clean and in order. 
  7. Be responsible.
  8. Be safe.

Please feel free to participate in your child’s fifth grade year as much as you are able. Helping hands are always needed. Whether it is doing classroom activities, helping with field trips, or any other participation will enrich our classroom experiences.

I am looking forward to a wonderful and exciting year with you and your child! Feel free to contact me anytime via email when you have any questions or concerns. 


Mrs. Chang
Fifth Grade
Chinese Immersion Teacher

2017年8月21日 星期一

Supply List & Supply wishes

Supply list: 

12 pencils
2 pens (1 black, 1 red)
1 pack of colored pencils or 1 box of 12 crayons, or 1 pack markers
8 thick markers
1 fine point marker
1 1-inch 3 ring binder
2 spiral notebooks (wide-ruled, 70-100 pages, red color for Chinese, green color for science )
1 small pocket note book
1 small white board
1 earphone (the dollar store one)
1 Box of Kleenex
canister of disinfecting wipes
No boxes or containers.

I would love any EXTRA personal items to add to our Community supplies.

Notice: The items on this list are optional. No elementary school student may be required to bring any of these supplies to school. This list is compiled solely to provide information to parents or guardians who wish to voluntarily furnish supplies for student use. Equivalent supplies will be furnished by the school to all students free of charge as necessary.

Supply wishes:

Pencils, highlighters, pens - highly needed
• Index Cards 3*5
• Dry erase markers (black or different colors) - highly needed
• Black/red permanent markers
• Sticky notes (different colors)
• Band aids 
• Sandwich/gallon/snack sized Baggies
• Hand Sanitizers
• Paper plates, cups, napkins, spoons and forks
• Paper towels